Business transformation is an umbrella term for making fundamental changes in how a business or organisation runs. This includes personnel, processes, and technology. These transformations help organisations compete more effectively, become more efficient, or make a wholesale strategic pivot.
Transformation starts with a business case, prompted by either internal or external pressure to change. It requires a significant degree of data analysis, financial assessment and presentation to the Board of Directors for approval prior to any programme being launched.
Logistics Transformation
For companies involved in selling physical products, logistics plays an important part of the service promise to their customers. Logistics transformation often involves construction of a new distribution centre, involving recruitment of a new management team and colleagues, the implementation of new systems and new technology such as robotics and automation. Very often a whole network needs to be updated and restructured to meeting changing service requirements.
Organisations undertake business transformations to create additional value. They tend to be large, multi-year, complex initiatives requiring wholesale changes to fundamental aspects of the companies and therefore require specialist resources to support businesses to succeed.
Managing the Transformation Process
The transformation process needs to be managed within a governance process that is supported and sponsored by the CEO and board. The management of the programme then requires structure, with milestones agreed and a project team(s) constructed with clear and accountable objectives for each workstream lead to deliver with their teams.
Clear and attainable dates need to be agreed. ‘Go live’ should be realistic, with well planned training and preparation and a decision criterion for Go/No Go. Appropriate contingency plans should be developed as part of the overall approach with funds set aside in the overall budget that can be drawn upon if required and after exercising approval processes.
Organisations undertake business transformations to create additional value. They tend to be large, multi-year, complex initiatives requiring wholesale changes to fundamental aspects of the companies and therefore require specialist resources to support businesses to succeed.
If your change project is not performing as expected or you require short term support for a poorly performing operation, we offer the skills and experience to turn it around. Our teams can be quickly mobilised and once we are at the ‘sharp end’ we identify the root cause of issues and devise a turnaround plan that addresses the situation. Our consultants have expertise in many aspects of logistics and can apply their skills quickly and effectively to rectify a critical situation and stabilise.